Lists & Databases

Scroll through our full list of lists or click for Business Lists or Consumer Lists.

Business Lists

Advertising and Media Professionals who cover the entire spectrum of marketing, media, TV, radio and advertising industries.

Lists all Architect and Interior Design firms throughout Australia each with a senior decision maker contact.

Access key decision makers all over Asia/Pacific. Select by location, industry and company size in all the major commercial centres around Asia/Pacific.

A comprehensive list of Australian exporters with a selection of key personnel. Email data may be available.

A database of Australian Primary and Secondary Schools, higher education - Universities and TAFE's, and Child Care Centres.

This list includes key personnel responsible for buying and specifying products for construction and building companies, manufacturing, suppliers and distribution.

A permission based email database for you to target Australian business. Target by industry and location. This database has the generic email address of the business available.

The definitive national list of individual Chartered Accountants.

A database of Dentists and Dental Specialists in Australia.

Doctors and other health professionals in the healthcare industry across Australia.

This list is comprised of Engineers across all industries who subscribe to Australian Mining, Factory Equipment News, Food Magazine, Manufacturers Monthly, Packaging and Process and Control Engineering (PACE).

The most comprehensive list of Australian Farmers with farm type.

A national list consisting of accredited financial planners.

A list of government decision makers, influencers and buyers across Australia in the public sector.

An email database for the hospitality and food service sector.

The premier Australian database of IT specialists in the business & technology market. Detailed IT Infrastructrure details are available for some companies.

Target the Legal Profession.

Over 180,000 healthcare professionals working in over 30,000 different locations.

Medical Search is Australia's leading website for the medical and healthcare sector.

Reach key decision makers within Australia's larger businesses and government enterprises. Choose from 60 job functions, 20 industries and select locations to a postcode level. Click here to view the specific job functions an industries available.

New Zealand Business Database is your "go to" resource for all New Zealand businesses. Personalised to key decision makers, you can also select by industry (ANZSIC Code), location and company employee size.

The most accurate and comprehensive database of Retail, Hospital and Other Pharmacies and Pharmacists in Australia.

A collective resource that enables you to reach every Australian small (1-19 employees) and medium (20-199 employee) business. Target by industry (ANZSIC Codes), Size, or Location. In most cases the name of the key decision maker within the business is available.

A list of Veterinary Surgeons in Australia.

Consumer Lists

Home owners that have homes above $1million in value and household incomes above $100K.

The Blue Collar group show modest levels of education and reliance on unskilled and semi-skilled vocations for employment.

Australian & New Zealand consumers that have responded to a telephone survey to indicate the type of charity they will support. Telephone and postal mail data available. Specific charity donor prospect generation options available.

Use your current donors and profile them against the Australian population to find "look-a-like" donors. This is a new way of finding the best people to donate to your cause.

Mothers, Grandparents and Others that have purchased online or through mail order, personalised children's books and products.

This group consists of younger singles, couples and groups of friends who live a 'trendy' lifestyle.

Maximise your customer communications by keeping your contact data up to date, accurate and complete with hygiene, updating through directory matching and address validation.

This database of business professionals, Directors and Executives, delivers a unique audience of affluent entrepreneurial individuals at their home address.

Consumers aged 45-64 with children older than 19 years.

Engage with 1 in 4 Australian tertiary students online!

Australia's largest online sports community- access a huge number of office professionals that come back to the site at least twice a week!

The Farming Heartland group consists of families that are often living in rural locations and involved in both small and large enterprises in primary production.

Golf Link aggregates all of Australia's golf club databases and provides an online destination for review of handicap, golf rounds and more.

The High Density Living group is characterised by the highest proportion of rental accommodation occurring within these neighbourhoods, which is in flats, apartments and units.

This journal is the official journal for Probus Clubs which allow marketers to reach retired and semi-retired professionals and business people.

Reach members of Rotary Down Under - seniors and pensioners in Australia.

A collective set of databases where you can target people that are at various levels of experience with both property and share investment. This audience is always hungry for new opportunities. In some cases these databases are available on a cost per lead basis where you only pay for the leads that are generated on your website.

The Urban Development group represents metropolitan growth centres.

The Living in the Country group largely represents mature citizens who live in Australia's countryside.

This is a list of highly educated and affluent loyal readers of National Geographic magazine.

The New Movers Database provides you with the ability to mail households with new occupants.

ConsumerBase is a compiled database of 1.3 million New Zealand residents that we cross verify against other sources to ensure upmost accuracy.

Reach New Zealand consumers and target by age, family composition, income, household value and educational status.

Cost per Click, or Cost Per Lead campaigns are our speciality. We can drive online messaging where you only pay for the response, either traffic to your landing page or a lead being generated on your website. This is assessed on a case by case basis and we are here to assist with your campaign and maximise your results.

Click here for more information on Performance Media

Younger singles and couples establishing their professional careers.

The Small Towns, Regional Centres & further outback areas consumers who need producst and services delivered to them.

The Stable Suburbs group includes established mature families, many nearing empty nest status.

Student Edge is Australia's largest member benefits organisation for high school/tertiary students.

Success Stories are the most affluent members of Australian society.

A set of online survey panels are available to test your next idea. These panels have been formed to be representative of the Australian population and can be used for a wide variety of research projects.

TABR is a leading consumer service that helps stop direct mail sent to the deceased. Wash your database against this register prior to use to assist with limiting contact with people that are now deceased.

The Vintage Australia group consists of Australia's most mature citizens.